
Showing posts from June, 2023

How to make download file button in react js

To create a download file button in React.js, follow these steps: Import the necessary dependencies: javascript Copy code import React from 'react' ; import { saveAs } from 'file-saver' ; Create a function that handles the download action: javascript Copy code const handleDownload = ( ) => { // Create a new Blob object with the desired content const fileContent = 'This is the content of the file you want to download.' ; const blob = new Blob ([fileContent], { type : 'text/plain;charset=utf-8' }); // Use the saveAs function from the file-saver library to initiate the download saveAs (blob, 'download.txt' ); }; Create a button component and attach the handleDownload function to the button's onClick event: javascript Copy code const DownloadButton = ( ) => { return ( < button onClick = {handleDownload} > Download File </ button > ); }; Use the DownloadButton component wherever