
Please refer to Github link below for latest update on this

Backup unity project

In order to be able to recreate the Unity Project from a backup zip, just remove Library and Temp folder when backing up the project to a zip file.

What's in there?

- Drawing Board Drag for moving objects while holding them, zooming in using mouse scroll and pinch zoom for touch devices.

- SimpleAES for encrypting and decrypting content.

- Orientation Manager for forcing a certain orientation on Android Devices

- Photon Connect contains a very robust Photon Matchmaking Example using Hashtable for Room Properties and Player Properties.

-SSUpload for taking screenshot of unity screen - flipping the textures and uploading screenshot using REST API.


########## for interviewing candidates #################

rate your experience with Unity3D out of 10
rate your experience with NodeJS out of 10
rate your experience with SocketIO out of 10

define PREFABS
unity application life cycle
define inspector tab
in a scene there is a button and a function to be executed and NOTHING ELSE AT ALL
> will it work?
your approach to build a map that follow a particular theme
how would you move an object from position A to B without update, fixed update or late update
teen patti how will you make user look like its sitting at the center of table
photon hash table define
> how will you sync room properties 
> how will you sync player properties
how would you execute a method on Player B's system from Player A's system > photon RPC

nodejs how would you increase a number each second

define express middle-ware


how to join socket room
> how would you send a message to particular user, given that they have not joined any room explicitly
sending message to particular user


############  for parsing json from socket #############

Debug.Log("Event Name : " + + " Data : " +;

        string recCallBackString =;

        Debug.Log("recCallback sub string: " + recCallBackString);

        string callBackSubstring = recCallBackString.Substring(1, recCallBackString.Length - 2);

        Debug.Log("Callback sub string: " + callBackSubstring);

        var userListsJSON = sJSON.Parse(callBackSubstring);
foreach(var userName in userListsJSON)
            Debug.Log("Listing user with name: " + userName.ToString());
            Debug.Log("Listing user with name: " + userName.Value);

############  for parsing json from web response ##############

// using SimpleJson; JSONNode responseData = sJSON.Parse(www.downloadHandler.text); string loginStatus = responseData["status"].Value; Debug.Log("LoginStatus: " + loginStatus);

########## for moving object without Update ############

        IEnumerator FakeThrowingCard(Transform target)
            transform.position = dealersDeck.transform.position;

            //  Transform inInitPosition = initPosition.transform;
            //  Transform inTargetPosition = targetPosition.transform;

            //float smoothing = 1.0f;

            while (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, target.position) > 0.05f)

                transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, target.position, smoothing * Time.deltaTime);

                yield return null;



            // done

            yield return new WaitForSeconds(wfs);


############### for input to upper case ################

public InputField inputField;
this goes to start function:

  inputField.onValidateInput += delegate (string input, int charIndex, char addedChar) {
        return nameValidation(addedChar);
and this is the addedChar function that does the control and modification on per character basis:

 private char nameValidation(char c)
     if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') {
         return (char)((int)c - 'A' + 'a');
     else if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '_' || c == ' ') {
         return c;
     } else {
         return '\0';

no more onChange causing more change!

And here's an even simpler function to force uppercase...

 void Start()
     your_input.onValidateInput += 
         delegate (string s, int i, char c) { return char.ToUpper(c); };
And if you want ONLY letters:

 void Start()
     your_input.onValidateInput += delegate (string s, int i, char c) { return char.ToUpper(c); };
 char Val(char c)
     c =  char.ToUpper(c);
     return char.IsLetter(c) ? c : '\0';

Here's uppercase letters only, and a length limit:

     your_input.onValidateInput += delegate (string s, int i, char c)
         if (s.Length >= 4) { return '\0'; }
         c = char.ToUpper(c);
         return char.IsLetter(c) ? c : '\0';

(Alternately, don't forget the very handy .CharacterValidation approach. It is often all you need:)

 void Start()
     your_input.characterValidation = InputField.CharacterValidation.Alphanumeric;

So when using .onValidateInput the .Net "char." functions are very handy.

######### for layout bug fixing after adding items at runtime #########

public void InstantReturn()



//////// UNITY AS A LIBRARY /////////

######### Sending json file to REST API #########

private IEnumerator SavingUserProgressToServer(string fileContents)
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();

byte[] bArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(fileContents);

//string enc = Convert.ToBase64String(fileContents);
//string enc = fileContents;

WWWForm form = new WWWForm();

//form.AddField("UserId", PlayerPrefs.GetString("userid"));

//form.AddField("userid", "42");
form.AddField("UserId", 42);

//Debug.Log("Getting file at: " + saveFilePath);

Debug.Log("File contents: " + fileContents);

//form.AddField("file", fileContents);

form.AddBinaryData("files", bArray, "game_manager.json","application/json");

//UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Post("localhost:3001/upload", form);
UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Post("localhost:3000/SaveJsonFileApi", form);

//www.certificateHandler = new BypassCertificate();

yield return www.SendWebRequest();
print("Upload Files ");
if (www.isHttpError || www.isNetworkError)

Debug.Log("Uploaded " + " Failed");
Debug.Log("Uploaded " + " files Successfully");



public class BypassCertificate : CertificateHandler
protected override bool ValidateCertificate(byte[] certificateData)
return true;

######### Reading data from REST API using SimpleJSON #########

IEnumerator FetchProductsNow()
        yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();

        UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Get("");

        yield return www.SendWebRequest();

        if(www.isHttpError || www.isNetworkError)
           // Debug.Log(www.downloadHandler.text);
            JSONNode itemsData = sJSON.Parse(www.downloadHandler.text);

            totalProductsCount = itemsData["ResponseMessage"][1].Count;

            Debug.Log("Some item: " + itemsData["ResponseMessage"][1][3]["ItemName"]);

            for(int i = 0; i < totalProductsCount; i++)
                if(i < productPlaceholders.Length)

                    productPlaceholders[i].TextureURL = itemsData["ResponseMessage"][1][i]["ItemPhoto"];
                    productPlaceholders[i].productName = itemsData["ResponseMessage"][1][i]["ItemName"];
                    productPlaceholders[i].productPrice = itemsData["ResponseMessage"][1][i]["SellingPrice"];


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